Muhammad-Sultan was born in 1376, in the family of the eldest son of Amir Temur, Jakhanghir and Khan-zadeh, a granddaughter of Uzbek-khan. He first mixed the blood of Amir Temur and Chinggis-khan. In perspective, that would give him a right to khan title, which belonged to descendants of Chinggis-khan. At the end of 1390s, prince Muhammad-Sultan was declared a heir and co-regent of Amir Temur. In 1399, starting on his "seven-year" campaign, Sahibkiran left Samarkand in order of Muhammad-Sultan. Having conquered new lands in the West, Amir Temur planned to recreate extensive Chinggisid ulus of Hulagu under the reign of Muhammad-Sultan. In 1402, on the death of official khan - Sultan-Mahmud, Amir Temur did not hailed a new khan from the Chinggisids. He intended to enthrone Muhammad-Sultan, but the sudden death of the latter in 1403 failed this plan. On the death of Amir Temur in 1405, another grandson Halil-Sultan hailed the son of Muhammad-Sultan, Muhammad Jakhanghir as a khan.
At the end of the 14th century, on behalf of Muhammad-Sultan, was constructed the spiritual center, including two-storey madrasah and Sufi khanaka near Ruhabat mausoleum. Most likely, princes of the blood and emirs’ children studied there. The closed yard encircled with high walls and four minarets in corners joined the madrasah and khanaka. The front portal decorated the entrance in the northern wall. Amir Temur built the tomb for his favourite grandson beside the complex. Majestic mausoleum, which got a name of Gur-Emir, was constructed above this tomb. The gravestone of Muhammad-Sultan with a stalactite border stylistically corresponds to decor of the central hall. On the gravestone there are lines: « … high honoured sultan, heir of a throne in due time, prince Muhammad-Sultan, the son … of Jahanghir, the son of amir Temur "gurgan", the son of amir Tarag, the son of amir Bargul, the son … “. On the death of Amir Temur in February 1405, Halil-Sultan made a decision to bury him in the crypt with his grandson, Muhammad-Sultan.
By the mid-15th century, owing to efforts of another grandson of Sahibkiran, Mirzo Ulugbeg, the mausoleum was reconstructed and Temurid dynastical necropolis grew around. Architecturally, the mausoleum is simple: the octahedron bears a cylindrical drum with sphere-conical fan-vaulting dome on. Under the floor of the central hall, there is a burial chamber. The place of honour is occupied by the tomb of sheikh Seyid Bereke, at whose foot there is a tomb of Amir Temur. In the eastern part, there is a tomb of Muhammad-Sultan, in the western – of Shahruh and Miranshah. Mirzo Ulugbeg is buried at the foot of Amir Temur. Architectural decor harmoniously combines majolica, sets from glazed bricks, coloured carved mosaics, carved marble plates and lattices. Against a background of bricklaying, dark blue - blue palette looks brightly. Tiled panels, wall paintings and on-laid gilded ornaments were used in interior décor.